Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's getting closer..

August 10,2010

The day we get to meet our son,is creeping up on us fast. I have my calendar out each day and "X" out the date as it ends..knowing we are one day closer,to one of them biggest days of our lives. I think it's going to be a bitter sweet moment..we want him here,safely and healthy,but we'd prefer it be a later date. We know he is in the best place,he can be and will receive the best care imaginable! We have faith in God and the doctors. John and I have decided on a date,and that being 8-24-10,if the doctors agree and they can book the operating room that day,then were set and it will be Derek's,official birthday!

Derek,will still be 2 months early,and I was told he will more than likely be here until his actual due date or close too,that being October 17th,2010. Then again,no one knows for sure and he could come home a lot sooner,perhaps later..all depends on how well he does,with meeting his goals! I know 3 of the goals are the following: Keep own body temp,eating without tubes,and breathing with out oxygen..anything beyond that I don't know. We had decided to pump my breast milk to feed him through the tubes,so he can get the most nutrients he can possibly receive...there is antibodies and such in my milk,that can prevent infections,etc. So I hope Im able to pump and eventually nurse him as he becomes strong enough to nurse. I set here typing this,thinking OMG-he will be here really soon,holy crap! I know I've been here for 3 weeks,but gesh,I never expected him so early..WOW! We haven't even started to purchase diapers or wipes yet,nor do we have a crib.I have a bassinet and a pack and play for the time being,but we will eventually need to purchase a crib,luckily no time soon. We have friends who are more than willing to help us out with getting things we need,thank God for good friends,especially at times like this.
John's,getting all the clothes I sorted through(2 weeks prior to coming in here) and taking them to his mom's house to have her wash them,so they are ready and it's one less thing I have to worry about! John,and I will set the rooms up with the baby's things when I get home after having the baby. Though I wont be able to do much if anything,I will be there to get the ball rolling and things done right! I also have to get to the store to stock up on things such as food,diapers,wipes and some other odds and ends. We are planning on having the living room and our bed room painted before we bring Derek home,so we don't have to rearrange things at a later date. Wow,I just had a flash of Christmas..it's going to be a special one this year for sure.

Jessica,has agreed to take day off of work,to come in the day I have Derek,she will be taking pics,for us. She's awesome,the bestest friend anyone could have.I know she'll capture many special moments..one's we'll treasure always.I needed someone to come in and take pic's,because my camera broke months back and we hadn't planned on purchasing one until Sept,but now with the unexpected madness,things are on a hold for the camera. I was borrowing my aunts,but she took it back to use,while they went camping. Jess,is a photo-fanatic,just like me so I know she'll do a great job,and take many! We decided not to tell anyone when my c-section date is,so that there aren't 50 people here. There's no point having anyone here,since he will be rushed to the NICU and even we wont see him for a few hours,while they get him situated and things with me finished.John and I really just want a peaceful moment between just the two of us,we went to let things register emotionally,with us before we have a rush of people with a million questions in our face. We know they mean well,but we've/I've been through a lot in the past few weeks. It's our right and if no one likes it,tough shit,kiss my ass. This insert kind of took a right turn,and went off track a bit,but I had a million things running through my head,and just typed it all out here. Possibly 13 more days,from today..it's getting closer!!!!

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